Summary: Yoga for two.

Rated: NC-17

Categories: Actor RPS Pairing: Sean/Viggo

Warnings: None


Series: Double Lotus

Chapters: 8 Completed: Yes

Word count: 13942 Read: 6434

Published: 08 Aug 2009 Updated: 08 Aug 2009

Sean was finished with his swim, showered and presentable and on his way out of the club when Diana caught him in the lobby.

"We've got a new member," she said, "an American."

"Lovely," Sean said with a smile. It was Diana's place. She'd worked hard to make it a good gym, and he was happy she was having more success, but he had places to be. He tried to keep moving without seeming rude. She walked him to the door.

"You should come in one morning. He's a great guy. And I can't remember anytime I've seen anyone manage Reclined Hero so easily. He salutes the sun like he's a god himself." And she gave him her funny little perky Yank smile, turned on her heel and bounced off. Damn tease.

Sean came in the next morning at 6:00. He hadn't done that in he couldn't remember when. Went through the weight machines and had his swim. Then he did something else he hadn't done in he couldn't remember when. He went up to the gym for his practice.

Sean practiced every morning. He'd mentioned to Diana he might be looking for a partner again. They had done Double Hatha a few times, but it seemed odd. She was too small - their heights didn't match well. Though that had never bothered him with Abby. But then again, he and Abby had been in it for more than the yoga, hadn't they?

And there was the new American. Standing breathing in Mountain Pose. Pausing before his next repetion of asanas. Arms up, fingers touch, long arms down to the floor, right leg back to a deep, beautiful Crescent Lunge. Up and shift. Virabhadrasana II. He was the warrior, incarnate, arms straight, eyes clear and focused, shoulders relaxed and breathing smooth and slow. Then dropping to Side Angle Pose, the long line from ankle to hand like visual poetry. Triangle. Revolved Triangle - just the slightest wobble. Then surrendering forward over his left leg, and finally inhaling up and back, one arm to the sky, the opposite hand far down his calf.

Diana was right.


Sean was more than a little shocked by his visceral reaction to the performance.

Maybe he wasn't ready to practice in the gym after all.

As the man straightened and stepped back into Mountain Pose, Sean slipped away before the American noticed him. But there was nothing Sean could do about Diana. She'd been observing Sean from across the gym the entire time, and watched his retreat with disturbingly knowing eyes.