
What is this 'rugbytackling' thing all about?

In one of the documentaries on the FOTR EE DVD's, Sean Bean talks about Viggo and tells this story, "And then he just rugby-tackled me for some reason, really, like BANG! I wondered what had hit me, you know, and..." [imitates Viggo laughing crazily]A group of SB/VM fans 'pounced' on this idea, of these manly men rugby-tackling one another, and thus the LiveJournal Rugbytackle community was born.

How do I find a series?

A series is archived as a single fic -- each part of the series is a separate chapter in that fic. From the Search page, use the Simple Search form to search for the series title (Fic Title) or a Chapter Title.

What kinds of stories are allowed?

To be archived here, fics must be about BOTH Sean AND Viggo, or the characters they have portrayed (for example, Aragorn & Boromir from LOTR). Threesomes, orgies, character crossovers, gen, and het stories are all welcome, so long as Sean and Viggo are both involved.

How do I contact the site administrators?

You can e-mail us via our contact form.

How do I submit stories?

How do I submit my fics to the archive? To be archived here, fics must be about BOTH Sean AND Viggo, or the characters they have portrayed (for example, Aragorn & Boromir from LOTR). Threesomes, orgies, character crossovers, gen, and het stories are all welcome, so long as Sean and Viggo are both involved. Send your fic (or a link to your fic) by e-mail to Govi and include the following headers: Your name, e-mail address, the story title, pairing, rating, warnings (if any), fic length (fic, ficlet, or drabble), and a short summary. If you post in the LiveJournal Rugbytackle community, you can give us permission to archive your fic by specifying "Rugbytackling" in your ARCHIVE: header.

What are the story classifications?

Stories are classified by categories, genres, and warnings.

Will my fics be edited?

NO. If you submit a fic, we will not edit or change it, other than minor formatting clean-up where required so it will work with our display template (such as removing hard-coded line breaks). We may also change a rating if it's obviously incorrect -- eg., you rated it PG but there's hardcore sex in it, or you rated it NC-17 but there's no sex at all. :-) We may also need to make up a summary for your fic if you don't provide one. We STRONGLY ENCOURAGE all authors to use a good beta reader. If you need a beta reader, you can post a request to the LJ Rugbytackle community.