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Summary: Is Sean a true Aries?

Rated: PG-13

Categories: Actor RPS Pairing: Sean/Viggo

Warnings: None


Series: None

Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes

Word count: 935 Read: 794

Published: 07 Aug 2009 Updated: 07 Aug 2009

"It's good to have you back," says Viggo, leisurely stretching on the bed and watching Sean unpack and scatter stuff around.

"Hey, it feels good to be back. You know, you're one of the few around this set who really knows what it's like to be a father and wish you could be in two places at the same time. I know my girls belong where they are and that right now I belong here, but that doesn't make it any easier... It frightens me how much of their life I'm missing, and the way they're growing up so fast has me really worried."

"Heheh, maybe that's going to be easier for me with a son. I just can't wait to see you trying to chase off your girls' boyfriends," Viggo teases, idly going through a stack of books Sean had just gotten out of his bags and dumped on the bed.

"Don't make me think about that, I'm already getting nightmares and I think .." Sean looks up when whatever he was about to say was cut off by a loud snort from Viggo.

"What's the matter?"

"Oh my, was this what you were reading on the flight back, so that you could get your mind off your fear of flying?" A smirking Viggo holds up a book with a pinkish cover. Framed in hearts and stars and funny symbols, the title reads *Sex and the Zodiac*.

Sean blushes hotly.
"You dumb shit, that's not mine!"

"Sure love, that's what they all say, isn't it? I bet the book fairy left it on your plane seat along with the pillow and blanket. What airline were you flying this time? I must make sure the hobbits and elf know this is part of the in-flight entertainment, they would appreciate it soo much ..."

"Viggo, don't you dare! I * am * telling * you * it * is * not * mine. Matter of fact that is exactly part of the problem we were talking about. I confiscated this from the girls and just the thought they were reading such stuff already has me in a cold sweat."

"Don't know, don't know," drawls Viggo while leafing through the book, "no harm in admitting this is yours Seanie, seems quite filled with, you know, classical Greek mythology references.. let's see, what sign are you? April 17th, right? Yess my preciouss.. Aries.."

Sean lunges, trying to grab the book, but Viggo rolls back out of reach with the pink book firmly gripped in his hands and flips through the pages.

"Aries.. sign originates from a winged ram with golden fleece sent to save Phrixus and Helle from being sacrificed sounds pretty cultural, the sorta things that might be useful to know when you want to do the more difficult crosswords.. the Aries constellation as the indicator of the beginning of the spring.. boring even.. there's got to be more than this.. ah, here it gets down to business..the Aries man.. how to seduce him, how to fire him up, how to keep his attention, how to get him to leave you once you're done... wow, pretty exhaustive!"

A still beet-faced Bean watches sullenly as Viggo becomes totally engrossed in reading...

*** Flashback ***

It is not difficult to seduce an Aries man. He's usually most willing to help in your effort. The trick is don't pay him any attention, avoid him, tell him no, and he'll make it a point to conquer you, storming all resistance.


"Hey Viggo, will you have dinner with me tonight?"

Viggo returns Sean's smile and answers, "No."

"Did you say no?" Sean looks surprised.

"Yes... no."

"Well, if you're already busy tonight we can make it tomorrow, or the day after." Sean smiles engagingly. Viggo looks to be a promising one and he's willing to be flexible with his seduction plans.

"Sean, I said no, I didn't say I was already engaged."
To hell with his hope of maintaining a tame friendly relationship with the only other cast member who's roughly his age, thinks Viggo.

But he's heard the stories that are all around the set about Bean and he has no wish to see Aragorn's dirty scalp joining those already hanging from Bean's belt.
Pity though, he thinks looking at him, the man's a really nice piece of prime steak.

Sean looks at Viggo through narrowed eyes for a moment, a mulish expression on his face.

When an Aries charges, it's better to go along or keep out of the way.Only a bulldozer can stop him, or at least it can try.

Viggo is startled when the doorbell rings. He's totally engrossed in writing and not expecting company. Going to the door, he notices that it's already dark outside. It must be later than he thought.

As soon as he opens the door a notch, it flies out of his hands, pushed by Sean, who also pushes Viggo back inside, roughly.

"I'm here for dinner," he says, the tone challenging.

"Dinner?" Viggo's completely taken by surprise. "But I don't have anything we can eat..."

"No need to, you're the dinner," Sean smiles triumphantly, grabbing Viggo and throwing him over his shoulder, striding purposefully toward the bedroom.

*** End of flashback ***

"So, do you recognize yourself in all this Seanie? I must say I was prejudiced.. this is an invaluable booklet, a compendium of wisdom and truth, a ..." Viggo's cut short as the book is snatched from his hands and Sean rugby-tackles him flat on the bed.

"Right now I don't have the leisure to read this and see just how I am supposed to seduce you by the book," growls Sean, "so I'll just fuck you senseless now and leave the fineries for later, once I've caught up with my reading."