Summary: Sean hates to be on an airplane.

Rated: G

Categories: Actor RPS Pairing: Sean/Viggo

Warnings: None


Series: Nervous

Chapters: 3 Completed: Yes

Word count: 406 Read: 2088

Published: 02 Aug 2009 Updated: 02 Aug 2009

"You are in charge. You are the pilot of this bloody crate."

Except it is not a crate, but the biggest and best aircraft in the world. Sean is not sensible to the technological wonder. His palms are damp, his tie is too tight, the lamps are too close to his face, the curved walls are getting nearer and nearer.

Rehearsals had been uneventful, but now the surroundings look too much like a real plane - they were a real plane once! - for Sean's sanity. Bad memories keep coming, and Sean feels lonely. Jodie is a true professional, amiable when she's not focused into the mother out of her mind with worry, but he is not sure she can understand. As for Peter, his way of staring at Sean as if he had grown a second head ? from the lustful light in his eyes, it could be a second cock ? is only making Sean even more giddy.

Just as he is going to miss the same line for the third time, his eyes cross a corner of the set and catch a glimpse of a burning smile and trusting blue eyes. Then he knows what to do.

Every captain needs his pole star.