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Summary: We're back in NZ during filming, and Sean's bottling up all his post-divorce trauma..

Rated: R

Categories: Actor RPS Pairing: Sean/Viggo

Warnings: None


Series: None

Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes

Word count: 621 Read: 691

Published: 02 Aug 2009 Updated: 02 Aug 2009

Sean's always quiet, but right now he's too quiet, even for him. He's evading everyone and everything, though some notice this more than others.

Viggo keeps careful watch, listening to the tick-tick-tick of a bomb about to go off and helpless to do anything until it does. He’s been there himself, though only the once of course. Three times is surely too much for any man’s sanity.

When the moment comes he can’t believe he’s the only one who hears Sean’s primal scream away in the woods beyond the set. The hobbits and elfboy piss about oblivious, John and Ian talk Theatre with a capital T. Viggo doesn’t understand why Sean’s pain isn’t ripping all their souls apart. Maybe they’re not the tightly bonded group they’ve let themselves come to believe.

He slips away, unnoticed.

In a clearing he finds Sean pacing with all the fury of a caged beast, fists clenched and ready to lash out, but the only possible target is an innocent tree.

‘Hey…’ Viggo soothes as he gently parts Sean from his victim. ‘You like trees, remember? Hit me if you want to hit anything.’

He holds Sean loosely by the wrists, can feel the pulse of anger surging dangerously close to the surface.

‘Soddin' stupid!’ Sean growls. ‘What the fuck did I think I were doing? Never again. Never again…’

Viggo pulls himself into Sean’s arms, Sean into his. It’s an awkward sort of embrace but it serves its purpose.

‘S’ok, I know. Been there too. Hurts like hell, yeah, but you get over it, in the end. Eventually it gets better. You know that really.’

‘Never again, never…’

‘Never say never. You’d be surprised. One day someone might just walk into your life and steal your heart away when you're least expecting it.’

Viggo kisses everyone.

When he isn’t rugbytackling them or headbutting them he’s kissing them, and there’s far too much photographic evidence of this fact.

But he never kisses Sean.

Which makes what happens next so very strange and unexpected.

It’s what Sean's still thinking about late that night when he’s alone except for the whisky bottle.

Not a teeth-clashing full-on attack, not a wet and sloppy tongue invasion, no hair-pulling, no groping. Just a simple press of lips against temple, pure and true and loving like he’s never known before.

The whisky’s open but the level hasn't gone down much. Pieces of a puzzle Sean didn’t realise was bothering him have fallen neatly into place without any alcohol to help them along. Though he does need a quick swig – or three – just before he sets out to do what he has to do.

Well, who wouldn’t?

He stands motionless before Viggo’s door for what might be moments or might be hours, but then he bang-bang-bangs for entry and is rewarded – eventually - by a naked and sleep-befuddled Viggo peering out into the night.

Sean says nothing, marches straight past into the bedroom, strips off and claims his place. Viggo staggers after him, nods a groggy sort of approval, then falls back into bed to drop a protective arm across Sean’s chest and adopt a shoulder as a pillow. He’s asleep again within seconds.

In the cool light of early morning they make love for the first time, a slow mutual exploration of shared pleasure.

‘Dunno which is strangest,’ Sean mutters afterwards. ‘Stubble burn on me face or someone else’s cum in me hand.’

‘Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it’ Viggo advises as he fumbles for tissues under the bed. ‘We both will.’