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Summary: The piano on the radio was telling me how it would have sounded.... four hands...

Rated: G

Categories: Actor RPS Pairing: Sean/Viggo

Warnings: None


Series: None

Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes

Word count: 99 Read: 551

Published: 31 May 2012 Updated: 31 May 2012

They were whiling away an hour or so before having to dress and be their 'others'.

Now Viggo was sitting at the piano clad only in a pink and purple striped tee-shirt with a hole in the back. His fingers were almost invisible as they whisked over and up the keyboard.

Sean grunted, rose and leant over the bent neck. His hands stroked the bass keys, hesitated on the trebles, Viggo's fluttering between like butterflies.

"Love for our four hands, we make music this way, Vigs." His lips rested on the brown head, which turned, nudging, seeking love again.