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Summary: The Friends from LJ meet up for a ‘chat’… in Paris.

Rated: NC-17

Categories: Actor RPS Pairing: Sean/Viggo

Warnings: None


Series: None

Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes

Word count: 1659 Read: 377

Published: 21 Oct 2011 Updated: 21 Oct 2011

“Oh, hell, this is the greatest, VIgs, so bloody glad we could meet up. Why the hell do we have to be so busy? You here, me there,like those bloody ships in the night. Toot toot..." and Sean leant forward right in the middle of the Place du Nord and kissed Viggo seriously and with vigour. Then they closed arms around each other and kissed again. Two very young girls passing by clapped, giggled and shouted something like "Vive l'amour," but the two men heard nothing.

Walking hand in hand along the Rivoli beside the arcaded shops, they chattered incessantly about what they'd been doing for the last five months. Viggo was pleased with his efforts in ’A Dangerous Method’ and Sean felt a bit fed up with his current project, it went on a bit. They just wandered, simply happy to be amongst... "Uhoh, cameras Vigs, scowl or summat." Sean lifted his hand, warm from Viggo's clasp and pulled at the neck of his tee-shirt, making as ugly a face as he could peering at an invisible patch on his front. Viggo suddenly delved deep into the plastic bag he inevitably clutched when arriving anywhere, he had thousands 'being useful' back at home.

"C'mon mate, back to the hotel, it's going to get worse, look, fifty million of 'em, and all with camera-phones. Bloody hell, those things're getting smaller and smaller, like spy-things." Sean whistled, waved and procured a taxi immediately. Arriving in their hotel room, having unloaded their bags, they made close aquaintainces again. Then Sean had to have a shower, as did Viggo, and a little more delay ensued. Viggo found a use for his fingers Sean hadn't known before, he spent a lot of time giggling, spluttering soapsuds on Viggo’s neck. "Where'd ye learn that Vigs..? heheheheh from Jung or Froid? Heh… ooooh-eeeeeh."

It was nearing eight o'clock when they descended to the ground floor, intent on feeding the inner men. Wandering outside into the warm air, among self-intent people crossing and passing, concerned with their own interests. Viggo and Sean mooched down the road, crossed a couple of streets, just enjoying the invisibility of a city that knew nothing of their arrival. Outside a Brasserie they gazed at the menu, Sean's belly giving an enormous gurgle of emptiness at the thought of some food. Viggo licked his lips, still a little bruised from kissing, but ready to open to absorb some vitamins and fibre. He saw several enticing sights, not the least of which was Sean peering shortsightedly at the menu on the wall, 'his neck stretching forward, oh, and that line of throat to jaw.. mmmmm'. Viggo's stomach also rumbled, reminding him.

"O.K. Let's go in, looks fine to me." Sean pushed at the doors, then found he had to pull, as always in France one pulled at doors. Viggo and he filed in, glancing round. It seemed pretty full, and perhaps... but the short, dark, exactly-the-part Maitre Dee smiled up at them, beckoned them forward to a round table. He spoke to the two women sitting there, and apparently asked 'If they would mind having these two gentlemen join them, as it was a table for four, and he was very full? " The two women looked at one another, shrugging, gave a wry acceptance, whilst the younger raised an eyebrow which joined her quick smile at her companion

Viggo and Sean looked at each other. Viggo could hear Sean thinking "Shit, bloody women, they'll be drooling all over us. Oh SODDIT!"
Viggo smiled down at the ladies, one of whom was clearly the mother, and they were probably discussing family matters. As long as they did it in French, Viggo didn't mind, 'Then he and Sean could get on with their conversation, but keeping from making it too obvious who they were and what they had been up to. Keep it general,' Vigs thought. 'Plenty of time for filth tonight!'

"My name is Viggo, Viggo Mortensen, and this is my partner, Sean. Would you ladies mind if we shared your table? It is very crowded here, so it must be very good food. Would you mind very much?'

"Of course you may join us, there is plenty of room. Oh, I am Silvia, and this is a friend, Liz, and I hope you won't find our chatter too distracting? Please, take a seat. Hello, Sean. "

Sean grunted, and pulled up a seat. He kept his head down, showing his shyness. Viggo smiled again, using his most inconspicuous not-meaning-anything smile, and lowered himself next to the younger one, Silvia. "Who is shee.eee, that all her swains adore her? " wandered tunefully through his mind.

Menus were proffered, accepted, and regarded. Sean had already decided what he was having; egg mayonnaise, then the grilled bass. Viggo being Danish, loved a really nice plate of smoked salmon, followed by the bass also. Sean munched at the biscuity things while he tasted a wine. The women were busy chattering very, very quietly amongst themselves, apparently ignoring the two men. WIne arrived, and with the fish, the waiter raised the bottle in question at the ladies.

"Care to join us, ladies, or don't you drink?" from a Sean hoping the answer would be a frosty "No thank you." He was disappointed, as they both smiled and accepted. The old one, Liz, who apparently was not the mother of Silv, but bloody well could have been, was a fairly animated sort, prone to waving her arms about. Silvia sparkled at Viggo, her eyes alight with the idea of a glass of excellent wine with a charming goodlooking virile man... Sean's jealousy bit him, hard!

A Toast to France, led to a Toast to Paris, which led to toasts being held for almost everywhere. Lizzie, as she referred to herself, seemed to have been everywhere, including Istanbul, so Sean and she shared reminiscences, while Viggo found himself talking as if he were indeed a Professor of Psychology to the very alert and highly intelligent ash-blonde, 'with blue-grey eyes, almost the same colour as his... 'he noted.

Before they knew it, the evening had passed, in good conversation that had ranged from travel to poetry, to history, and wandered back to the present time via the treasures of museums, and art. The Maitre Dee was hovering, and suddenly the Brasserie was almost empty. One fat man with his very french poodle remained, buried in a newspaper. Viggo and Sean helped the ladies to their feet, bags were collected, and the four found their way to the door.

"We have only a short walk, our hotel is just by the station. Can we find you a taxi, Silvia?"

"Oh, no thanks, we'll walk, our hotel is the Rivoli Pullman, probably near yours. Lizzie isn't so old she can't walk, but she doesn't gallop any more, eh Liz?"

"Dammit, no galloping except on hosses. But I like to just stroll back after an excellent meal, and with such charming company. Evening strolling in Paris is somehow to see it alive, it seems to have some sort of secret active exciting life one doesn't find in local cities."

"Well, then, we may walk together, as friends of long ago would walk? Come," and Viggo held out his arm for Silvia to accept as she did, so gracefully.

Sean grinned, and held his arm out. Lizzie smiled up at him, whispered, "Goodoh, a nice strong man to hold me up. Age is a bind, and I have had rather a busy day. May I stagger...?" and she giggled. Sean patted her hand in the crook of his arm. "Yerss, just don't collapse, cos yer a big lady, and I'm not all that sober meself."

Back in the corridor leading to SIlv's room, the two women fell about laughing themselves silly. Hysterics exploded all over. Tears fell into hiccupping mouths and Liz found herself sliding down the wall at one point, unable to stand. " I held HIS ARM" she quietly shrieked. "I held Sean Bean's ARM and He patted my hand and oooooo Silv.... they had NO IDEA who we were! OMG Silv. " and she dissolved into helpless giggles again. Silv, of the Sylvan glen and VIggo's obvious and evident admiration, clutched Lizzie like a drowning man clutches his lifebelt, stuttering "His eyes... oh his EYES, and that VOICE and I love the way he munches smoked salmon... and OMG, I thought they might kiss us goodnight... I would really have - oh no. I have a large wonderful Hubby at home, and I would NOT think adulterous thoughts with Viggo Mortenensen!" then went off into more laughter.

Up on the top floor, heading towards the Suite, Sean smiled, patting, then groping Viggo's backside, "That weren't a bad evening, Vigs me old son, and spending it with two women who had not the slightest idea who we were! What a bloody change and how pleasant not to have to do the Actor-With-Fan game. Just us as us. Nice."

Viggo grunted his agreement. "You know, they'd never ever heard of us! Must be the last two women in the world who haven't. NIce couple of girls, who've done more than just raise babies. I bet their hubbies are happy men, as they weren't shy, were they?. No false blushes at us two touching! and that dirty joke you told… I wondered you sod, if you’d dare? Well, hope they enjoyed it. Now going back to their own dull little lives, I s’pose. We, on the other hand, Bean, are going to fuck each other into the other world. I’m going to do things to you, you great sexy golden buggering beast, that those ladies have never even heard of, let alone seen done!
Get those bloody rags off"

Sean obeyed as fast as he could, grinning like an absolute idiot, as he was so very, very happy.