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Summary: In the beginning, there was so much he was unsure of…

Rated: G

Categories: LOTR FPS Pairing: Aragorn/Boromir

Warnings: None


Series: None

Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes

Word count: 202 Read: 657

Published: 04 Jul 2011 Updated: 04 Jul 2011

Story Notes:
DISCLAIMER: "These characters originate with their copyright holders. I borrow them for entertainment, not profit."
He had been awaiting Legolas’ return when the man cantered through the archway and wheeled his horse to a halt. Aragorn shrank back into the shadow of the window, unwilling to catch his gaze.

The other representatives of Men had already arrived, grave Lords in rich garb who, even now, were touring Rivendell receiving a lecture on Elven architecture from some minor official in Elrond’s household. They looked sage, nodded wisely, but Aragorn could sense the uncertainty in their minds.

They were too old to fight for the cause of Men in this setting – but here was a man who would stand his ground. Dismounted, he was gazing around him at the beauty of Rivendell and Aragorn saw a professional soldier, hardened and shrewd, to stare down those who’d reckon Men at naught.

In the shadows, he stroked his thumb over the carving on his ring. It was only in the set of the jaw, leaner now, that Aragorn recognised the small boy that Thorongil had known. Even the corn-gold hair had darkened slightly, but Boromir of Gondor had returned to his side a grown man – and with such a warrior, surely they would not need to call on him.