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Summary: The tale of the Rabbit living in Sean's garden'

Rated: G

Categories: Actor RPS Pairing: Sean/Viggo

Warnings: None


Series: None

Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes

Word count: 453 Read: 626

Published: 03 Jul 2011 Updated: 03 Jul 2011

The rabbit sat bolt upright, unafraid, watching the local wildlife.

They were at it again - trying to meld into one shape, but they had too many limbs that seemed to
impede, until one lifted his limbs high in the air, the forelimbs reaching to the top of the wooden frame
they called a 'garden bed?'

They were both barely furred, shorteared, and of a pale smooth sunlit colour. Their voices were musical
and varied much in tone, from low grunts, gurgling rippling sounds as their heads fell back ,sometimes shaking. That was their peaceful noise, quite different to that they made when twining. Then their songs went from little hisses,whimperings and soft moans to louder roars, bellows and huge high screams and cries These were enough to make Rabbit alert and check his own safety.!

The Rabbit envied this fauna the ability to make such a range of song - his own lovemakings were conducted
with whisker-twitchings and faint squeaks. The Rabbit also wondered at the amount of coupling these two 'want-to-be-one' creatures indulged in, and yet produced no offspring. Perhaps that was why they seemed so frantic at times.

They were cautious and wary of being observed, and sprang apart to their own territories when other
fauna approached from within the large hutch they seemed to share. What they ate quite often left debris
that our other Friends in this place enjoyed nibbling,pecking at , or burying. Their drink was strangely
contained in shining round metal or glass, not water from the morning dew like Rabbit's and Friends'.
They did not seem to enjoy grass or herbs, and hardly ever the lettuce the bigger greeneyed fair one planted often. Perhaps, thought Rabbit guiltily, he should try to leave rather more of this plant ...?

The blue-grey eyed one, slightly furrier on his underside than the bigger one, with no particular regularity
emptied flower-coloured pots of liquid into the sour patch of rubbish where nothing grew. Territory-marking?

The Rabbit's solitude was emphasised sometimes in the year when the hutch would be emptied, closed,
dead. Rabbit wondered perhaps if the greeneyed animal went a-hunting to find a new skin to wrap his blue-grey eyed loveling in.......?

They always came back. Sometimes not both at the same time, but soon came back together, limbs linked
on backs, noses rubbing, and a gurglng chuckling song would sound in the air. Rabbit felt happy then, and
looked forward to new carrots and more young green lettuce that the kind big blonde animal grew just for him, while the darker blue-grey eyed one would watch him as he knelt, and sing gently with pulsng throat, tellinghim he was watching over him, guarding him, life-caring for his mate.