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Summary: Viggo has had this question for ages.....

Rated: G

Categories: Actor RPS Pairing: Sean/Viggo

Warnings: None


Series: None

Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes

Word count: 106 Read: 559

Published: 03 Jul 2011 Updated: 03 Jul 2011

Viggo looked at the soap dispenser standing mute on Sean's washbasin. It said nothing to him. It sat, not colourful, not elegant. He looked again, so disappointed to find there was no life, no soul, in this object other than the beauty of its sheer utility as a soap dispenser.

Rounded belly, scrawny tubular neck, a beak like a nose, almost predatory...

Wait - it WAS saying something - it SPOKE, dumbly. A small silver pearl hung from its nose. Viggo sighed, suddenly feeling idiotically paternal. He held a washcloth to the beaky face, and softly said...

"C'mon - blow - - Blow for Daddy "