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Summary: Viggo and Sean in New Zealand

Rated: PG

Categories: Actor RPS Pairing: Sean/Viggo

Warnings: None


Series: None

Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes

Word count: 1391 Read: 763

Published: 16 Aug 2009 Updated: 16 Aug 2009

They were strangers to each other, only Viggo had heard something about Sean, he was a big star in Britain, a 007 villain and... what was it, something to do with weapons... Yeah! He was Sharp... Sharpe!
“Viggo Mortensen.”
“Sean Bean, I play Boromir,” Sean’s handshake was firmer than the others from the Fellowship.
“Um, I dunno what I play exactly.”
Sean got near to his ear.
“It’s Aragorn mate,” Sean whispered it like it was a secret, but when he pulled his head back, he was smiling.
Viggo tried to smile too.

Strange that they found friends in each other. The last time Viggo had someone with who he had been this good of friends, was Exene, the last time Sean had... actually never. He knew wonderful people, had great friends, had daughters like little diamonds, but being friends with Viggo was so much better. One time Viggo came up behind Sean and pushed him into Orlando’s arms and ran away laughing, next time Viggo rugby tackled him and laughed. Anyone else Sean would have chopped into pieces for buggering him all the time, but not Viggo.
“This coffee tastes funny,” Viggo noted in the breakfast tent.
“It ain’t coffee,” Sean answered.
He always had his revenge.

They both knew they had only about a year together, but they needed only a month to know that they’d miss each other. Neither of them thought about filming ending for Sean’s part sooner than Viggo’s, Viggo would have to stay and Sean would have to leave. They spent Sean’s last evening at set at Viggo’s barbeque party, when the night darkened, only Sean and Viggo were left, Orlando was still at Viggo’s trailer though, but he had passed out and was sleeping in Viggo’s bed.
“Well I ain’t sleeping there tonight,” Viggo said to Sean.
They sat outside together, in the dark, but warm night. Sitting on little director’s chairs, which they had stole from Peter. Both were drunk, but not in a bad shape.
“With your little elf boy, why?”
Sean got a punch into ribs.
“You wanna come for a sleepover?” Sean tried again.
“Nah, you’re gonna leave tomorrow, I don’t wanna mess up your trailer that you cleaned so nicely today.”
“Camping out?”
“Don’t wanna.”
“Then what?”
“Maybe I’ll roll Orlando under my bed.”
“Sounds fun,” Sean said laughing.
They ended up with breaking into Elijah’s trailer and dumping Orlando there.

The next day Sean left, a bunch of people came to the airport, saying their goodbyes, with them there was Viggo. While Viggo hugged Sean he felt sad, he could have cried.
“Promise me one thing Bean.”
“Come to see me.”
“Of course!”
“Really, don’t make this another promise that you’re not gonna keep.”
“I promise Vig.”
And they hugged again.
“Make Orlando beg for his keys,” Sean said with an evil grin.
“I’ll figure out something nasty.”
“Sure you will.”
And they hugged again.

After that Viggo was alone. He found himself feeling the same as when he broke up with someone, he felt the need to be with someone, just anyone, not wanting to be alone. He needed some sort of bandage, a replacement Sean. So that’s what he did after sinking his misery in booze, he took the nearest nice person and emptied his feeling into that new relationship. He ended up with Orlando, the boy already had a crush over the older man, so it seemed fitting in every way. Only that Viggo didn’t really like him that way. Orlando was nice, kissing him was great, sex was awesome, their relationship seemed well in every way, only that Orlando wasn’t Sean. What came to Viggo, he didn’t consider himself in a relationship with Orlando, but working out his feelings about missing Sean. It was strange, soon after Sean left, Viggo found himself in Orlando’s arms, not that he ever even thought of Sean as his boyfriend or lover, Viggo found himself missing Sean when he watched Orlando sleeping in his bed. It didn’t take him long to figure out that he loved Sean. Viggo broke up with Orlando soon, with that kind of hook up it goes like that, but it didn’t change a thing, Orlando was still one of his best mates and Viggo still missed Sean.

One day, while filming a scene, Viggo saw Sean next to Peter, talking. Viggo was right in a scene, but his feet had a mind of their own. Viggo left his place, walked right to Sean, and hugged him.
“Shit Vig, you’re supposed to convince Theoden!” Peter shouted.
“Sorry Pete, later Sean,” Viggo said and got back to his place.
Sean was back, he was there, Viggo was so happy.

Sean was on a week trip, then he would leave for the US for filming and for all kinds of premieres and film festivals.
“Heard you did it with the elf,” Sean said when they were sitting outside of Viggo’s trailer, in those little director’s chairs they stole.
“Mm, I did,” Viggo said, he was a little scared.
Sean seemed to be just fine with Viggo not quite knowing what he wanted, it calmed Viggo down a bit. But he was still scared.
“Wasn’t quite what you searched for, eh?”
“Nearly, but no, he’s too Orlando.”
“Did it clear things up for you?”
Viggo got uncomfortable, as great as Sean was, Viggo knew Sean didn’t like talking about gay stuff.
“Well... I like men a little more now.”
“How come?”
“I don’t miss shagging women.”
Sean changed the subject.

When the week’s trip was coming to its end, Viggo found himself feeling as sad as he was at the airport when Sean had left the first time. Sean wasn’t at the set that day, Peter told Viggo that Sean took off to look at the landscape, Edoras’ spot was something quite different from the locations in the first film. After Viggo’s parts were done for the day, he left in Aragorn’s costume to look for Sean. Sean was meant to come back after the shoots, so Viggo knew he wasn’t so far away. He found Sean on top of a small hill, he was looking out to the horizon thoughtfully. Viggo walked to him, quietly, but not sneaking, Sean noticed him, but kept looking where ever he was looking. Viggo said nothing, he just walked up next to Sean and looked where Sean was looking, the sight was beautiful.

Sean had his arms crossed over his chest, but now he loosened them, hanging to his sides, Viggo reached for the other man’s hand and laced their fingers together. He stayed hand in hand with Sean, near Sean. He let his head rest on Sean’s shoulder and finally broke the silence.
“Be with me.”
“I am with you,” Sean answered as quietly as Viggo, like all this was about to run away.
Viggo smiled.
“Thought so.”

Sean and Aragorn stayed there, they sat and talked. They touched each others hands and talked.
“Why Vig?” Sean finally asked after a long, but comfortable silence.
“‘Cause I love you?”
“You don’t love me more than as a friend,” Sean tried to explain.
“Might be,” Aragorn answered, biting his lip.
Then silent again, sun shine narrow now, shadows grew long, but it was warm.
“Make up is closed already, where are you gonna put that?” Sean asked about Viggo’s Aragorn costume.
Viggo didn’t answer.
“Can I kiss you Sean?”
“If you want to.”
Viggo leaned in, Sean did too and the sun shined on them. The kiss was warmer than that setting sun.
“Would you like to be with me?” Viggo asked after they broke the kiss, foreheads still near to touch.
Aragorn got up and offered his hand to Sean, Sean took it and they walked away together, hand in hand, while the shadows grew longer.


“How did you exactly think we’re gonna get the hell awah from ‘ere?” Sean asked when they found out that all the cars and people were gone.
Viggo bit his fingers.