Summary: The first thing Viggo does in his new flat... Note: Made for the VigBean vol.2 Challenge.

Rated: NC-17

Categories: Actor RPS Pairing: Sean/Viggo

Warnings: None


Series: Alone

Chapters: 11 Completed: Yes

Word count: 6180 Read: 14218

Published: 15 Aug 2009 Updated: 15 Aug 2009

Story Notes:
This chapter written by Rotpunkt
The echo of his footsteps in the empty rooms emphasizes his loneliness like an obtrusive film soundtrack.

The flat doesn't quite match his wants, is not as spacious and airy as he needs it, but he couldn't stay one day longer in their shared apartment.

Sean had offered him at least one concession - to take his time to look for a new place, but that option would have been unbearable. It would have meant seeing Sean's well-known, beloved face every day, hearing his sonorous, throaty voice, with its full-sounding vowels and sharp, hard consonants.

That wonderful, exciting and soothing voice, often just a little bit out of breath, betraying Sean's temper only restrained superficially, but boiling right beneath the surface.. that voice, so purring-hissing-sexy in the moments of heat..

The lingering memory of Sean's voice vibrates through the bare halls, and Viggo curses his movie-spoilt imagination again for torturing him with such cheap sound-effects.

He lets himself slump down on the chair he just brought in. The rest of his stuff is still outside in the car. Viggo was too tired and sad to argue with Sean over the equitable distribution of material possessions acquired during the last three years.

He packed his books, his paintings, his personal belongings and the most necessary items for the first days in his new apartment, and left everything else for Sean.

The only thing he would have wanted to take with him was lost and spent and wasted forever anyway.

His gaze falls on the wall opposite of him and he can?t believe what he has obviously done right before, absent-minded and lost in thought like mostly in the past few days: The giant poster of Sean hangs at the wall, and yes, it was Viggo himself who put it there, it was the first thing he has done once inside.

Viggo wonders whether he lost his brain und walks a few steps towards the picture, angrily, but stops half-way. He can't bring himself to tear it down, superstitiously he feels he would tear the last hope out of his heart with that.

He stares at the picture with tear-clouded eyes; he can't remove it but doesn't want to have to see it.

He opens the door to the room far enough to block his view of the poster and sinks down on the chair again.

There he sits, quietly, while the dusk falls in.